Steely Eyes and Dull Skies

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Jane LeBlanc

Eagles are here year round (in New Brunswick) but I still get a thrill seeing one up close. Great job!

Phil Crawley

What a great portrait. Beautiful

Yves Langlois

Thank you for sharing a so perfect shot Christine,. Appreciate the marvellous story that goes with it. A moment to remember for sure.

I was driving home from another photography shoot and while my heart mainly lies with landscape/concert photography, my heart skipped a beat when I noticed this beauty perched in a tree by the river! I hit the brakes and pulled over onto the snow covered shoulder of the road, grabbed my camera and jumped out of my truck. I walked slowly around my truck until I had the eagle in clear sight and hoped I'd be able to get a couple of shots in before he flew away. He was glancing down river when he suddenly turned and looked at me, my heart was racing, what an adrenaline rush! I managed to grab a few shots before he turned and flew off. I've never seen one up close like that, truly a majestic bird!
Taken By
Christine Hess
Taken On
February 2, 2021
birds of prey eagle bald hunting american bird animal bald_eagle
  • Focal: 420
  • Lens Model: 200.0-500.0 mm f/5.6
  • Shutter speed: 0.00015625 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5.6

Other Photos by Christine